Part 33: Chapter 5, Level 6

I'm having a hard time figuring out what exactly I can say about this level. Somehow, an expansion that was, for the most part, on track to being a far better game than the base game was, suddenly took an immediate turn back into everything that made the original Blood II a nightmare to play - stupidly annoying enemy placement, a boss fight that's boring because the devs had an unreasonable love for a damage sponge boss that's not really any threat in any sort of fair manner (and, apparently, on the hardest difficulty you have to fight two of these fuckers), limited supplies to deal with the damage sponge, and constantly fucking crashing. I still maintain this game did some things right, and that its existence was totally necessary as a stepping-stone towards better games like No One Lives Forever or Condemned, but this is going to be one case where I'm glad I'll never have to play this game again once I'm finally finished LPing this thing.
That said, I'm not quite finished yet - there's still a bonus video I'm working on to showcase the weapons and enemies and other stuff I missed or feel I didn't give a good demonstration of. We'll see when I can get that out (might just be on the regular schedule, depending on how many secrets there are that I can find through other people's videos or whatever), and then we're finished.